Variety is the spice in one's life.. Don't fear to be different.. Live your Dreams!!

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About Me

Hello there!! Welcome to my place where you could know much about me and my activities that I have done in the past and have been doing recently. This is the place where I would like to share my thoughts and my art work.

Let me introduce myself  in brief - Just an ordinary guy with ordinary thoughts. My passions are 'Painting' and 'Architecture'. Some what inclined towards Photography too, so sometimes I do pick up my SLR / Regular camera and start shooting some pictures during my various visits to different places to get some snippets. I love to paint and in fact when I am painting, I don't mind to work on it continuously for hours until late nights. You can view my paintings time-to-time in 'MY ART WORK' section. My another passion is to build models of sky scraper buildings using card board (like Basswood, Dowels etc.). You can also see the models I built in the 'MY ART WORK' section. I used to build all kinds of stuff back in my schooling days with card board. I believe they are back up on my shelf some where. Presently, I am into IT Profession (as I have both my Master's and Undergraduate degree in Computer Sciences) but may be after several years I would like to see myself with the bunch of folks scratching their heads on how to build a sky scraper of about 3000 ft (Right now the tallest building in the world is 2684 ft) may be at the banks of an ocean. Believe me I am almost there!! ...At least I have ideas!!

My mother is (and always will be) the greatest inspiration to me and was the reason for where I am standing now. I am unfortunate to mention that she is not in this world anymore but I always feel that she is with me to encourage me on my efforts. I still remember my first drawing at the age of 9 - "A boy flying a kite", and when I showed it to her, she was jubilant with my work and marked it with comments 'GOOD'. That boosted my spirit and interest on painting. That was the point where I started sparking my painting skills. I still remember the joyous feeling when I saw those comments. She was the one who always encouraged me and is the perfect reason to stand where I am right now. I would dedicate all my work to my mother. Also, my blog title VILAK is derived from her name 'VIjaya LAKshmi'.

So, please feel to browse my blog and post your valuable comments if you feel like! Otherwise just browse through, no one is holding a gun at you ;). I would like to mention a special thank you for spending your valuable time on viewing this site!

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Variety is the spice in one's life.. Dont fear to be different.. Live your Dreams!!